Nobody likes doing boring and repetitive tasks. The good news is we can probably make our computer do them for us.
When it comes to web development build [...]
A good workflow is crucial for development because it saves time. We know this, and yet we constantly procrastinate this important task.
We can’t blame [...]
Synchronized testing automatically performs the same interaction (clicks, scrolls, etc.) across a number of browsers and devices at the same time. [...]
The conventional (non-interlaced) GIF graphic downloads one line of pixels at a time, and Web viewers like Netscape display each line of the image as it [...]
Choosing a Build Tool
Choosing to use one tool over another is one of the largest challenges developers face. Regardless of what you’re choosing, be it a [...]
Gulp is a tool that helps you out with several tasks when it comes to web development. It's often used to do front end tasks like:
Spinning up a web server
A while back I started adding Grunt to my workflow. I also started to work with Sass and I wrote a quick post about Getting started with Grunt and Sass. I [...]
More and more web tools and your work flow are moving to the command line. Tools like Grunt, Bower, Yeoman, Sass/Compass and many more now live on the command [...]
There are a lot of new tools out there to help speed up and streamline your workflow as a developer, and to be honest they can seem a bit daunting to get into. [...]