Types of Meta Tags

As one of the important elements used in the head section of an HTML page, Meta-Tags could be more helpful for a website page in various ways. If you are not aware of what Meta-Tags are exactly then please read ‘What are Meta-Tags?’ for an introduction of Meta-Tags will help you to understand all types of Meta-Tags mentioned below. Character Encoding [...]

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Add Compass to your Grunt task

A while back I started adding Grunt to my workflow. I also started to work with Sass and I wrote a quick post about Getting started with Grunt and Sass. I started using Grunt [...]

Get comfortable on the Command Line

More and more web tools and your work flow are moving to the command line. Tools like Grunt, Bower, Yeoman, Sass/Compass and many more now live on the command line. While [...]

Getting started with Grunt and Sass

There are a lot of new tools out there to help speed up and streamline your workflow as a developer, and to be honest they can seem a bit daunting to get into. Two new tools I [...]

Compile LESS using Grunt in 5 steps

Grunt is a Node task runner that can be configured to detect file changes and subsequently perform user-defined operations. By leveraging these features, we can have Grunt [...]